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Medication Administration Guidelines

Central Heights ISD Medication Guidelines

Medication Administration

To comply with State Laws, a very strict procedure for administering medication is followed here at CHISD. Please refer to the Texas DSHS Guide to Medication Administration in the School Setting, 4th main box in link below; for full guidance on Public School medication administration.

School Health Services - School Nurse Practice - Texas


CHISD Medication Policy: CLICK HERE for CHISD Medication Form

Each of the following guidelines must be followed here at CHISD if your child must take medication at school:

All prescription and non-prescription medications must be in their original bottle obtained from the pharmacy.  

Prescription labels must include the following:

    • ‒  Student name

    • ‒  Physician’s name

    • ‒  Name of drug

    • ‒  Amount to be given

    • ‒  Frequency of administration

    • ‒  Date prescription filled and expiration date and labeled by the pharmacist.


All medications must be accompanied by our CHISD Medication Administration Form, next tab on our Health Services homepage. Your nurses require this completed and signed form prior to any medication administration at CHISD.

All forms must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian.

All medications must be given to the nurse immediately upon arrival to campus.

All medications will be stored and dispensed ONLY in the school nurse office, *UNLESS, after review of medical necessity, the nurse grants individual permission to carry self-dosing
medications (example: Epipens, Asthma inhalers, permission granted by MD first, then school nurse- see Individual/Emergency Health Plans for specific medical concern paperwork).

In accordance with the Nurse Practice Act, Texas Code, Section 217.11, the campus nurse has the responsibility and authority to refuse to administer any medication/s that, in the nurse’s
judgment is not in the best interest of the student.

Parents are now responsible to collect all medication at the end of each school year. Medications will no longer be sent home with students at the end of the school year. 

*** The only exception to the above stated is as follows: Central Heights ISD staff can provide first aid treatments and medications listed on our student Emergency Health Care Permission form for health needs indicated per W E Furniss III, MD (these forms are sent out with week-one student packets annually, signed by Parents/Guardians and kept in the Nurse Clinic each school year). 

We WILL NOT provide any other medications UNLESS provided by the parent/guardian.

A copy of our current campus wide Emergency Health Care Permission Form is in your Student Handbook. If there are any concerns related to this medication/treatment list, contact the school nurse immediately.